How can I effectively compare the results of my students’ Pretest and Benchmark tests?
After students have finished all five Benchmark tests, you can once again review the CARS Student Summary Report (Pretest vs Benchmark) to evaluate their progress. To obtain the student’s Pretest vs Benchmark tests comparison report, simply follow the step-by-step instructions provided below,

- Navigate to Group Reports located on the left-hand side of the menu and click on Class Reports.
- Select the Student Summary Report and click the View Report button.
- Then select the Print-Multiple Reports (green colour button) option located on the top right-hand side of the page.
- Select the Show Compare Report option (refer to screenshot) and in the Report Filters select the Classroom, Type of Test (Pretest) and Compare to (Benchmark), according to your requirements. Then click on Submit button.
- You will be able to print or download the comparison report by clicking on the Customise PDF / Print (orange colour button) option located on the top right-hand side of the page.
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