What instructional features in the STARS module can be helpful for students, especially ELL students?
The STARS module uses several effective instructional procedures that support all students, including:
- Opportunities to activate prior knowledge before beginning strategy instruction
- Explicit instruction in key English language concepts
- A step-by-step scaffolded approach, beginning with explicit instruction, to build a clear understanding of the reading strategies
- Opportunities to build and reinforce self-esteem
- Use of graphic organisers to visually depict the reading strategies
- Frequent reviews and restatements of concepts
- Allowances for students to work at their own pace
- Ample practice through a variety of high-interest reading passages
- Presentation of selections depicting real-life situations
- Encouragement of paired-learning experiences
- Student discussion of strategies to demonstrate conceptual understanding
In addition to these supports, the teacher guide also provides minilessons on English language topics that may be challenging for ELL students (called ELL Support). Log in to your teacher or parent portal for an example.
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