Current Reading Level
This gives a brief overview of the reading level that is currently in progress.
Taking a quick look inside the Current Reading Level panel, it will display the current reading level that the student is attempting.
By clicking on the Explore button in the current assessment, the student can access the reading level roadmap, which is called Timeline, which will display the student's Reading Comprehension Journey.
Previous Reading Level
Previous Reading Level will show the past five reading levels that the student has attempted. If you wish to view all of the past reading levels, please click on View All. Beside each reading level there will be an indicator that tells you whether the reading level was created for the student or originated somewhere else. Below are the indicators:
- O is for Originated, where the reading level is created for the student.
- R is for Reassigned, where the reading level was reassigned from another reading level.
- M is for Migrated, where the reading level came from the previous school, but was migrated over to their current school.
Additionally, details of each assessment are displayed below.
- Completed to Date: Displays the most recent date that the reading level has been attempted or completed.
- Status: If a reading level has been completed it will be marked as COMPLETED, or IN PROGRESS if the reading level has not been completed.
- Actions: The actions button is provided in each reading level. You will have the option to either View Reading Level or Archive Reading Level. Archiving an assessment will remove it from the Dashboard, and it will be kept in the Archived Reading Level section for your records. This can be found by clicking on the sidebar menu.
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