Please note: The timing feature will be available from 28 of June.
To access the Individual Child Detailed Reports, click on the child's name in the child listing under View Added Accounts and View Linked Accounts. Additionally, you may also use the Live Search functionality to immediately access the particular child's profile page. You can also directly access the child's profile by using Children Quickview.
Once you are at the Child's Profile Page, click on FOCUS Reading tab and scroll down to FOCUS Reading Detailed Reports section. This section allows you to choose and view the different types of FOCUS Reading child reports. These reports provide parents with a wealth of information to monitor and drive the child's growth. Parents can quickly see which child needs attention and the key areas to target for each child.
FOCUS Reading Child Summary Report
This report illustrates the child’ reading level performance in each reading strategy. The tracking chart is grouped in four sections of five lessons each. Group 1 spans Lessons 1–5, Group 2 spans Lessons 6–10, Group 3 spans Lessons 11–15 and Group 4 spans Lessons 16–20.
FOCUS Reading Child Reading Strategy Details Report
An overview of child's reading strategy performance, showing the results of those questions that have been attempted and how long they took with the Timing feature.
FOCUS Reading Child Lesson Performance Report
This report details the child's lesson performance for each reading level in the program. This report will display their performance for each reading lesson; therefore, it will only display the results of those questions that have been attempted.
FOCUS Reading Child Reading Strategy Performance Report
This report details the child’s strategy performance results for each reading level in the program. This report will display the results for each reading strategy; therefore, it will only display the results of those questions that have been attempted.
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